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Alv in abap

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SELECT-OPTIONS : s_werks FOR mard – werks MEMORY ID wrk SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK first WITH FRAME TITLE text – 001. * S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N D E F I N I T I O N On selection screen we have the option to choose plant and storage location: Z_exit_caused_by_user TYPE slis_exit_by_user , R_list_comments LIKE LINE OF t_list_comments , MARD – Storage Location Data for MaterialĪs always, we are starting with declaration part:ĭATA : t_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv ,.We are using MARD table to see Valuated Unrestricted-Use Stock. In this second document in the ABAP Beginners series, we will create ALV report for quantity of material in stock in the warehouse.

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